I. HLA 是在 COVID-19 之後成立的,當時是學生在國外體驗英語學習的安全時期。 HLA證實學校擁有超過宿霧和菲律賓工貿部、移民部、教育部要求的所有設施、師資和課程標準。 HLA 擁有完整且合格的 SSP 和 TESDA 證書,以確保它能夠歡迎來自世界各地許多國家的國際學生。
II. HLA的學校董事會和工作人員都是在該領域擁有10年以上經驗的勤奮人士。了解韓國、越南、中國和蒙古等亞洲國家存在的多樣性和文化差異。我們盡力為國際學生創造一個沒有任何文化衝突的理想學習環境。

III. HLA充滿青春、激情、奮鬥。沿著菲律賓各英語學院的道路,HLA 始終致力於改進和發展其培訓項目,使其日臻完善。
IV. HLA的教師是根據入學考試、國際英語程度測驗結果和大學專業精心挑選的。 HLA尤其不僅考慮教師的英語技能,也重視他們的教學經驗和方法。
V. Understanding the culinary differences between each country, HLA provides a daily buffet so that students can have a variety of choices as well as enjoy the taste of their classmates’ traditional dishes. In addition, HLA also has an outdoor self-cooking area. On the weekends, students can freely cook hot pot or barbecue,… in their own styles.
VI. The total area of HLA is up to 11,800m2 surrounding the mountains and the beach but only used for less than 200 students so the space is completely airy, not too humid like the weather in the Philippines as people think. Our infrastructure includes basketball court, swimming pool, cycling belt, jogging track, mini-golf, convenience store, teahouse, sports area and prayer room. In the future, we will continue to add more, so that our students will have the most comfortable time studying with us.
VII. Our tuition fee includes accommodation and meals which is so much lower compared to other schools. Besides, Filipinos are very hospitable and friendly so students will not take too much time to adapt. At this moment, people from every country can come to the Philippines to study with visa-free program (except for China). As a result, it is really easy for international students to join us.