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الاحكام العامة

1.  It is strictly forbidden to use and carry alcoholic beverages, banned substances (drugs, ecstasy …), weapons (knives, guns, swords …) causing fire or any hazardous objects entering the school.

2.  Theft, vandalism, racism, color, and violence are strictly prohibited.

3.  Respect each person’s personal differences,personal life, avoid asking and participating in discussions of delicate issues.

4.  Do not bring friends, relatives or any guests into the school without the consent of the management.

5.  If you lose your room key, immediately notify the staff in charge and pay for the new one.

6.  Students are not allowed to bring cafeteria utensils, Hmart (spoons, forks, spoons, bowls…) out of this area.

7.  In addition to electrical appliances in the room, students are prohibited from bringing in and using other electrical appliances (rice cookers, electric stove…). Students will be responsible if there is a fire, the costs of using it that exceed the amount of electricity.

8.  Always be punctual in all classrooms so as not to disturb teachers and classmates.

9. Always respect the teacher and classmates, adhere to the arrangement of the classroom teacher.

10.  Smoking at the right place prescribed by HLA, cases of smoking outside the specified area are fined (2000 pesos per visit).

11. Students are not allowed to arbitrarily change or move furniture and equipment in dorm rooms.

12.  Students stay in the prescribed room, do not arbitrarily change rooms without the consent of the manager.

13.  It is strictly forbidden for other friends to enter the room regardless of whether they are of the same or opposite sex.

14.  Students are responsible for their own safety and responsibility for their personal property.

15.  Keep quiet from 22h, after 00:00 MN students are prohibited to leave from their room (except in case of emergency), and shall not gather or work making noise in all areas of the school.

16. Students are not allowed to leave the school during the class period (8:00 – 16:30). Except for emergencies issued or for a good reason (visa interview, hospital visit…)

17.  School curfew is 00:00 MN.

18.  Students are allowed to leave school after class if they complete the vocabulary test every morning and must return to school before the 00:00 MN curfew.

19.  Students are allowed to stay off campus on Friday, Saturday and public holidays if there is no class the next day. Students must fill out an application to travel and take responsibility for what happens during their time outside the school. This application must be submitted to the officer in charge by 17:00 on Friday. Once the student has completed the travel application form, students must observe the school’s curfew and not return to school between 00:00 MN to 6:00 the next day.

20.  It is strictly forbidden to run, dive and take dangerous actions at the pool. All students are required to wear swimwear when using the pool. Time of use: 6:00 – 22:00 daily.

21.  It is strictly forbidden to climb school gates, fences, balconies, roofs or other dangerous acts.

22.  Please notify immediately to be isolated if you have infectious diseases: covid, chickenpox, measles.

23.  In case of emergency, HLA has the authority to notify parents and study abroad consulting firms on the student’s learning situation.

24.  HLA staff, management and security guards will regularly go for inspections to ensure the safety of all areas at the school, when caught in case of violation, employees have the right to take photos (photos)/videos/recordings as evidence.

25. Students must comply with the laws of the Philippines.

26. The cafeteria serves a buffet model, so students should note that they get enough meals for themselves, students will be fined 100 pesos per time if more than 300 grams of food is left behind.

Source: Happy Learning Academy – HLA

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